This chart has been plotted when I have heard the news that HRH Prince Philip has been admitted to hospital in February 2021. Although it was obvious that the situation was serious (signified by inauspicious stem combination 庚辛 Geng Xin), it was also …
April Events Overview
The month of 壬辰 Ren Chen is beginning on the 4th of April 2021. It stars on the inauspicious lunar day# 23, 壬午 Ren Wu. In April the annual star PWS#6 which rules the Luo Shu in 2021, is visited by monthly PWS#3. It carries the attributes of 震 Zhen …
Converting into a Different Religion
In a globalized world, people often move between the countries, cultures and religions. In a way, this is natural. As wonderful as it is to have a freedom of choice, converting into a different religion could create problems. This is not about one …
When a Bird Flies into Your Home
Somebody send me a message asking what does it mean when the bird flies into your home. Is this a bad omen? To my experience, it is. Let us briefly look into the theory of divination. All the oracle systems have deep roots. When the ancient …